Contact Information


01 South Main Street
Brigham City, UT 84302



Office Hours:

8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.


Note: Box Elder County's electronic index of all documents to parcel numbers begins on January 1,1987. Information and document images prior to 1987 are typically available online but may not be fully indexed and would require a historical search. See the historical search Instructions & Index Guide.

To search indexed data from documents or property information at no charge, please select the Public Web Limited Viewer.

To view and print documents images, you must create a login.

Payment for purchased documents is done by credit card securely processed through payPal.
To purchase a single document with no subscription the cost for each document is $1.50
To purchase a one month subscription for access to all document images is $75.
To purchase a three month subscription for access to all document images is $200.
To purchase a one year (12 Month) subscription for access to all document images is $800.

First Time Users - Create a Username and Password.
Create a username and password to add individual documents to your shopping cart and purchase a full resolution PDF copy of the scanned image or add a subscription for unlimited access during your allotted time.

Enter User ID and Password, click the Login button to search for recorded documents.

(Online we accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover)

Need help getting started with your online historical search?
      Get Started with the Instructions & Index Guide.

Public Web Limited Viewer
(Searching and property infoormation is free;
document info but no document images)

Registered User Log in
(Searching and property information is free;
document images are available for purchase)

User Id
